Thursday, November 4, 2010

*Insert Introductory SPORTS Metaphor*

Welcome to Allie and Jen's Awesome Sports Blog of Awesome!

It is important that we inform you that the two of us have absolutely no business writing about sportsthings. We met in art school, where such topics are (arguably) distasteful. We are both terribly uncoordinated and susceptible to distraction. We admittedly forget the rules mid-game.

Except the thing is that we completely have business writing about sportsthings. Because sports aren't just for meat-heads and armchair coaches and crooked owners and greedy advertisers. They are also for the people. All of us. Even the big dorks.

Especially the big dorks.

Things you can expect to see here:
  • delightful examples of fan culture
  • amazing traditions and rituals 
  • general flailing and enthusiasm
  • photography
  • all manner of awesome sportstuff


  1. Looking forward to it ladies! Are you readers of Black Heart, Gold Pants? Best hawkeye blog EVAR.

  2. @Alissa is officially our American Football consultant
