Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kakà returns to the pitch, restores balance to the universe

If the Spanish have a concept similar to Taoist balance, I have not yet discovered it, but the important thing is that in returning from his injury, the ever radiant Kaka has restored the balance of Real Madrid. And I guess he's not hurting his team's performance either, as Real Madrid now sit 2 points behind La Liga leaders Barcelona.

Kaka has been absent from the pitch since the 2010 World Cup, recovering from knee surgery. Real Madrid even provided us with this pretty video about his recovery to watch in his absence, complete with inspiring rock soundtrack.

Ridiculously happy to be back [source]
So what's the big deal? Surely soccer players return from injury recovery all the time?
Ok, but this is Kaka. Kaka is wholesome and determined and good. Kaka loves his God and his family and his sport. He doesn't dive, he doesn't trash talk, and ok he probably smells like Axe body wash but let's pretend he smells lovely. His ridiculous red card during the Brazil v. Ivory Coast match last summer was heartbreaking to endure. He is a stellar player and a huge dorkus.

"Why would I unbutton my shirt? You guys are silly." [source]
Yes, his shirt is indeed on backwards. [source]
Kaka still has to earn back his starting position, but on January 9th he made his third appearance and scored his first goal of the season, helping solidify Real Madrid's victory over Villareal.

Hopefully the first of many goals in 2011 [source]

I could not be more delighted with his return. Because for all that Kaka is honorable and role-model worthy, Cristiano Ronaldo is smarmy and, well...perhaps I can show you better than I can tell you.

To be fair, a lot footballers have at least one photo like this. [source]
If you are the sort of person who can separate a person from their personality, then you can at the very least appreciate that this man is physically a fine human specimen.

Cristiano out shopping with his man purse. [source]
Captain of the sportsmanship [source]

I want to actually hate Cristiano Ronaldo. He is pretty much everything I loathe in a professional athlete. But, epic instances of diving and whining aside, he IS amazing on the pitch. As every yin must have its yang, Cristiano is balanced in character and on the pitch by the presence of Kaka. Together, they make spectacular goals. They also have one of the most adorable bromances in all of soccer.

No love lost - Cristiano Ronaldo celebrates Kaka's return [source]

Celebrating the results of their teamwork [source]

So welcome back, Kaka! Watching Real Madrid is now officially 100% more delightful.

(I feel like I should apologize for the fact that all soccer videos seem to have horrid soundtracks, be they vuvuzela infested or not)


  1. As much as I support Barcelona over Real Madrid, Kaka is indeed a really likable chap.

  2. This was the most adorable post!!! You win at Sportsblogging!! Also, way more fun than cleaning the house.

  3. If it wasn't completely and totally not allowed to support Barca AND Real, I'd have to consider it. Messi and Bojan and half the Spanish NT are difficult to resist! Plus Barca's kit is far superior.

    I must admit that it was Kaka + 2 German nationals (and history of Becks) that won my favor. And now I'm stuck with them, Jose Mourinho and all!

  4. I adore Kaka and how he plays such a beautiful game. He's pretty easy on the eyes too (although what's going on with his hair in that picture above the one where he's holding hands with Cris?). Here's hoping he stays healthy and teaches Ronaldo a thing or two about how to be a man on and off the pitch.
